Secure Shopping Guarantee

What payment methods are supported?

We accept a multitude of payment options. These options include:
Credit Cards:         Diners Club, MasterCard and VISA
Debit Cards:          All VISA Electron and Master Card Debit cards

What is a Payment gateway?
A payment gateway is an e-commerce application service provider who accepts and validates internet payments that are typically linked to a merchant account. A payment gateway facilitates coordination between various backend payment networks and banks.

Does Wood Art store my credit card information?
NO, woodart does not collect, process or store your account information at all. Your transaction is authorized at multiple points, first by EBS and subsequently by Visa/MasterCard secure directly without any information passing through us. We are given an authorization once your credentials are confirmed by the payment gateway.

You can be assured that woodart offers you the highest standards of security currently available on the net so as to ensure that your shopping experience is private, safe and secure.